After my divorce, I reluctantly went to a retreat. I had been scared of what God might have to say to me, the one who couldn’t keep her marriage together. It wasn’t the first retreat I was able to attend, so I had heard all the teaching and experienced every exercise more than once before. I didn’t expect to come away from this one with any fresh understanding of God or myself. When Lavonne asked the group to write down what we wanted to say to God, to really express all that it was we wanted to communicate to Him, I took it seriously as I had done every exercise, all the times before. After I completed the assignment, I waited for my next direction. That’s when she asked us to then sit quietly and wait for the Lord to respond to what it was that we wrote. Still very scared of what He would say to such a “disappointing child”, I cringed, closed my eyes, and waited for my lashing. It was in that quiet moment that very clearly, I heard the Lord whisper to my heart the words that immediately released to me a flood of relief, grace, and love: “You are beautiful and you are precious to me.” Until that moment, I toiled to please Him. I never felt like enough for anyone, let alone my Creator. Until that point, I had not stopped to hear what He had to say to me out of my own fear of rejection and retribution. God used that opportunity to hold me still and to communicate to me a truth I somehow (even with loving, Christian parents) missed along the way. I have never been the same since that retreat when I heard Him affirm and love me in just the way I needed. When I expected Him to reject me, he raised me up. – Angie
"I have now had the pleasure of attending three retreats, and coming away from each with a new revelation of God and a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him as a result. The presentation is filled with scripture, and presented in such a way that even those unfamiliar with the Bible can clearly understand the incredible plans God has for each of us. It is obvious, Lavonne has been called to present these powerful, life-altering, freedom-giving words to women of all walks of life and that she operates in the anointing of God. She combines God’s word with the practical day-to-day issues and guides each to the doorway that leads to freedom in Christ in such a way that is non-threatening, but totally comfortable and inviting. I so much appreciate the fact that she allows you the choice to participate or be a spectator. However, I could not possibly just sit and watch after learning all God has done to provide our freedom, and how easy it is to breakthrough and receive God’s best! I thank Lavonne for the obvious time, study, energy and honesty with which she reveals her own personal battles and victories, as well as God’s word. Of all the retreats I have attended, none have touched me or so dramatically changed my life as this material, presented in this setting. The music, ministry and fellowship during the breaks and lunch are over far too quickly, I didn’t want it to end. I will definitely return again, and recommend any other woman who has ever experienced rejection, betrayal, or lacks self-esteem, to treat themselves to this incredible ministry." Free and loving it! Cheryl
"I praise God for your ministry! My husband walked out on me and my kids the week before the retreat. I didn't know what I was going to do, my situation was impossible. I was so depressed I almost didn't come, but I'm so glad I did. I left that day, full of hope, knowing I could do anything through Christ. It's been several months since the retreat and I just wanted to say thank you. I went to the retreat in a deep depression, I had planned to end my life that weekend - you literally saved my life!" Cindy
"Going through the process of the retreat was great. For so long you try to forget some of the things that you went through as a child and young lady. But, as you go through this step by step process, you realize that you can overcome anything through the power of God. As you break the board, it is a visualization to yourself that you are strong enough! I was incredibly blessed when I experienced the Father's blessing at our church, and by the healing that went on with so many women's lives. God was mending some broken spirits in women including myself. It is great to know that God has placed strong women in faith like you all to help those that are hurting. Thank you!!!" Tandi
"I came to the retreat looking for answers. I left the retreat feeling more powerful than I ever have. I learned how to give my wounds to the Lord. It was everything I needed, it was awesome!" Roberta
" I had been saved a little over 2 years when I came to the retreat. Even though I was saved, I was in bondage. I could not let go of anger and unforgiveness. I didn’t realize that a slow poison was eating my life. I thought I had forgiven the people in my past but my heart held onto the anger. During the retreat, I was set free! Truly. I let the anger go. I learned not to accept defeat, sadness, bad moods, even headaches – all the junk left my head and my heart. I learned to walk in peace everyday. I am so empowered with truth I should sparkle!" Angela
"I’m a new person! I have always struggled with the guilt of my past. I didn’t think God could ever use someone like me. But at the retreat I broke through my past. I know now I can do anything! God wants to use me because He loves me, He really loves me!" Tayme
"Thank you for the retreat. I learned, I was sparked, I was humbled, I was loved, I was ever so close to God. I was touched in places I haven’t allowed anything or anyone access to for so long! Who could come away from your message unchanged?" Judy
"The ladies of my church returned from your retreat ‘on fire’! I’m only sorry all our ladies could not attend." Pastor Derek Clark